Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Side-effects of Hair Loss Medicines

In today's world, there is hardly a medication without side effects. Even common pills like aspirin have undesired side effects, so it seems that we have already got used to the fact that there is no good without a bit of evil. Hair loss medications, especially Propecia are no exception to the rule and they also have their side effects.

The side effects of Propecia are not a health risk, though under some circumstances they can be a bit unpleasant. One of the most common side effects of Propecia are minor sexual dysfunctions. This is not surprising because since Propecia affects the levels of the male hormone testosterone, it is quite logical that this will become noticeable in other ways, besides stopping hair loss. Though it is likely that other factors contribute to it as well, for instance age and stress, men on Propecia often complain of decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and/or decreased volume of ejaculate.

Generally sexual dysfunctions start soon after treatment with Propecia has begun, though it is also possible that they occur later. Sexual dysfunctions stop after the treatment is over and sometimes they stop even if the treatment is still going on. In any case, these dysfunctions are reversible, so you shouldn't worry about permanent changes in your sexuality.

Another possible side effect of hair loss treatment with Propecia is breast tenderness or breast enlargement. Again, as with sexual dysfunctions, these complaints pretty often come also from men, who do not take Propecia, so it is not always certain if they are due to Propecia or to other factors. In very rare cases Propecia can cause testicular pain, urticaria, pruritus or swelling of the lips and face.

A positive side effect of Propecia is that it reduces or delays the appearance of prostate cancer (except high-grade prostate cancer, for which Propecia has a slightly negative effect), as well as urinary problems. For older men this is certainly a benefit that far outweighs the potential sexual dysfunctions.

For pregnant women, however, Propecia has many more risks, than for men and women who are not pregnant. Generally Propecia tablets have a protective coating that prevents the absorption of finesteride by the fetus but still there is a risk for a male fetus, if the protective coating of the pill is damaged. Because of this for women, who are pregnant, or who suppose that they might be pregnant, Propecia is generally not recommendable. For post-menopausal women Propecia is not a solution at all (or at least this is what research shows) and there are not known side effects.

In comparison to Propecia, Rogaine has less side effects. Actually, the only serious complaint patients have had when applying Rogaine correctly is itching. Overdosing Rogaine – i.e. applying more of 1 ml. to the scalp twice a day – does not lead to faster hair growth but only intensifies the itching. Besides itching, it is also possible to experience inflammation and redness in the areas where it is applies but if you use oils and lotions, itching, inflammation and redness will most likely disappear.

As for itching, generally it is not unbearable and for most patients anti-dandruff shampoos stop it. However, if even anti-dandruff shampoo does not stop your itching, you may consider stopping Rogaine. In any case, first consult your doctor and see what he or she will recommend you. Also, if you know that you have particular allergies – for instance to dyes, or have a heart disease and/or high blood pressure, tell about it to your doctor and he or she will decide whether this can lead to a risky combination or not.

Medical Treatment of Hair Loss

Medical treatment is only one of the possible ways to treat hair loss. Medication plays an important part both for hair loss prevention and for hair loss treatment, especially in the early hair loss stages. There are several drugs that are used for medical treatment of hair loss, the two most important being Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). Propecia inhibits DHT and is very effective in the early stages of hair loss. Rogaine can also be used in the early stages for stimulating hair growth in the affected areas. Rogaine is most effective when it is used in conjunction with Propecia.

The best that medical treatment of hair loss can do for you is to thicken your hair in the zones, where it is getting thinner. Generally, medical treatment of hair loss is not very effective in regrowing hair. Besides, even if you manage to regrow your hair, it is not an exception that you will experience it all over your body, rather than only on your head. This is a very unpleasant side effect and that is why it is better to apply medical treatment in the early stages, and then resort to other means, for instance hair transplants.

It is also possible (and recommendable) to combine surgery, i.e. hair transplants, with medication because this way the two complement each other – medication prevents further hair loss, while transplants add new hair to those areas where it is missing from. But before we get to surgery, let's see how Propecia and Roqaine help hair loss prevention and treatment.

Propecia is a drug that suppresses the formation of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body. DHT is the main reason for MPB (male pattern baldness), which is the main type of baldness and it affects both men and women. DHT is formed by the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase on testosterone. And here comes Propecia – it blocks this enzyme and stops it from converting the testosterone to DHT. And when the levels of DHT are not that high, hair loss does not occur, or occurs at a much slower tempo.

Propecia is especially effective for treating hair loss on the front of the scalp. If hair loss is caught early, it is even possible that it will stimulate your hair growth. There is research data that after 5 years of using Propecia, 90% of men experience no further hair loss or even hair growth (40-50 percent of men experience hair growth), while only 10% continue to lose hair.

Propecia is not a quick drug. It must be taken once a day for at least a year before any visible changes are possible. In the first six months, you could even experience further hair loss because Propecia is still not in charge of your hair but shortly after that you will start noticing more favorable developments. Part of this initial hair loss is due to the fact that your old thin hair is falling down in order to make place for your new hair. As you see, you need to be patient and not be discouraged easily, if medication does not produce results immediately.

What is more, if you want to start Propecia late – i.e. when your head is bald already, there is no point in doing so. Propecia is completely helpless when you are bald already. If this is the case with you, the only solution is to have a hair transplant first and then strengthen your new hair with Propecia. Propecia is known to have some side effects but they do not pose a danger to your health.

The second drug that is used for medical treatment of hair loss is Rogaine. Unlike Propecia, which is taken orally, Rogaine is a topical solution and is applied directly to the scalp. Rogaine was developed from the oral blood pressure medication minoxidil, which when taken orally is a pretty strong drug with a lot of side-effects. The idea to use minoxil for hair loss treatment occurred when it was noticed that patients who took it for blood pressure, also experienced hair growth but due to its many side-effects, it was decided that the best approach is to apply it externally to the affected area. Pregnant and nursing women should not use Rogaine, even if they don't have any complaints after trying it.

It is still not known how exactly minoxil works to stimulate hair growth. In comparison to Propecia, Rogaine is less effective but when they are used in combination – i.e. Propecia is taken orally once a day and Rogaine is applied topically once or twice a day, the effect is much better. Like Propecia, Rogaine does not work either on a totally bald area but its effects become visible in less time. It is considered that Roqaine use is effective after the fifth month and up to the second year of its application.

There are some other hair loss medications, like the diuretic Aldactone, which is occasionally used for hair loss treatment in women but Propecia and Roqaine are the two most popular and most effective and therefore only the two of them were discussed in this article.

Hair Transplants

Hair transplants are the most advanced achievement in hair loss treatment. Several decades ago hair transplants were not even dreamed about and nowadays they are becoming a routine surgical operation. Of course, as with any surgical intervention, there are risks but for those, who have lost their hair, these risks are a minor issue. Well, one of the intrinsic risks is that the operation might not be successful and as a result of this your hair might look like cabbage but bald people are bold to go again under the knife, if necessary till their good looks are restored.

Another risk that transplants involve is the risk of infections, especially if the operation is performed by a not-so-skillful surgeon in premises, where hygiene is hardly the first concern. Well, there are enough good clinics all over the world, so when you have decided to spend thousands of dollars on a hair transplant, saving a couple of hundreds of them is not the best idea.

Hair transplants, as the name implies, involve planting new hair on your bald areas. Ideally, you turn to transplantation early, when you are not completely bald and have enough hair at the rear and around the ears that can be used as a donor for the areas that are bald. There are several kinds of surgery but the two basic ones are transplantation and scalp reduction. The second form is not so popular but it can be a better solution if you have large bald areas to cover, while at the same time you have other areas with enough hair. Scalp reduction is actually removing those parts of the scalp that are bald and stretching the hair-bearing regions to cover a larger portion of the head.

Common transplantation involves moving hair from densely covered areas at the rear and around the ears to the bald area of the scalp. It is important to understand that hair transplants use your own hair to cover the existing bald areas, so the earlier you resort to surgery, the better chances for successful recovery are. Though modern surgery allows to transplant very small follicular units (1-4 hairs), rather than 20-30, as it was 20-30 years ago and in theory even if you have only just a few hairs on your scalp, they can be evenly distributed to other areas, it is much better that you don't wait that long.

Very often two or more operations are necessary over time in order to restore your hair in the bald areas. But if your hair loss is not in a very advanced stage, even one operation can produce noticeable results. This is one more reason why you shouldn't wait till you get completely bald. But even if you are very bald, chances are that you will still have follicles that are good for transplantation.

The operation itself is not painful and generally within a few days you will be able to return to your normal lifestyle. You must beware of post-operational infections because besides being unpleasant, they can be dangerous as well. Depending on how much hair you have on your scalp and how large are the bald areas, you might need several operations, each of which needs several months for the wounds to heal. So, it might take about two years till you see your hair flourishing again. In order to achieve even better results, you can consider applying medication like Propecia and Rogaine, or herbs like saw palmetto.

Don't worry about scars. Right after the operation, you will see them all over your head but as time passes by they will fade away. Additionally, when your hair grows longer, it will hide them, so chances are that it will not be visible that you have ever had an operation!

Hair Loss Treatment With Saw Palmetto

Among the many natural choices for hair loss treatment one of the most prominent is the herb called saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata, Serenoa repens or Sabal serulata). It is a natural herbal remedy and unlike modern drugs, it has no side effects. Saw palmetto can be used both internally and externally and still it does no damage at all. Actually, before the advent of the contemporary pharmaceutical industry, native Americans used it successfully for healing not only hair loss but many other skin diseases as well. It is not surprising, however, that many doctors and pharmacists deny its incredible effect but the centuries of success are certainly not a negligible factor. It is true, though, that saw palmetto is not a miracle and you can't expect recovery when you are very bald, so in that aspect hair transplants are unbeatable.

Saw palmetto is a small palm with big leaves and it grows in the Southeastern United States. Ironically, nowadays saw palmetto is more popular in Europe than in the USA and in Germany it is the most popular prostate herb. Saw palmetto's fruits are deep red blackberries that can be used as staple food as well. Basically saw palmetto is used as a cure for prostate conditions but since it is also a DHT blocker, this makes it good for dealing with hair loss as well.

Since only men have a prostate, one might make the wrong conclusion that this herb is for men only but actually women also benefit from it. In addition to hair loss, saw palmetto is used for relieving menstrual pain, infertility, ovarian pain and inflammation. The only period of a woman's life when saw palmetto is not recommendable because its effects are not studied yet, is during pregnancy and especially lactation.

Similar to Propecia, saw palmetto is a DHT blocker. It is not certain if it is a weak DHT blocker, as some doctors suggest but when taken both orally and applied topically, saw palmetto does produce better results than Propecia. Unlike Propecia, saw palmetto can be applied topically to those areas that need it most, thus leading to very targeted treatment.

Saw palmetto can be obtained as an oil extract or as an ointment. In any case, when you apply it topically to the affected area, after some time it gets absorbed by the skin. After you apply saw palmetto to your scalp, you need to leave it for at least half an hour (you can leave it for as long as you like – the longer the better) to get absorbed by your skin.

The recommendable dosage is at least 160mg daily or ½ to 1 teaspoon, if you are using the oil extract. If you don't exceed 320mg a day, you can consider the dosage safe but in any case it is much better if you consult a doctor or a pharmacist before you start using saw palmetto. Also, you need to know in advance, that saw palmetto is not an overnight miracle. It takes persistence and a couple of years until you start reaping its benefits.

Herbs and Hair Loss

There is a very heated discussion regarding herbs and hair loss. While many medical doctors are skeptical about the power of herbs to prevent and cure hair loss, many ordinary people, who experience the benefits of herbs on their heads, are optimistic and thankful to Nature for the remedies it is providing. As a matter of fact, recent decades saw a steady increase in the interest in herbs and other natural ways of treatment.

Herbs can be used for prevention and curing of hair loss but the best approach is not to expect miracles. Needless to say, herbs are not a hair transplant, so if you think that using herbs your hair will become like the mane of a tiger, get down to earth – this is not going to happen, especially if your hair loss is due to hereditary causes, rather than stress or dietary disorders.

One of the grounds of the critics of herbal remedies for hair loss prevention and treatment is that in many countries herbal remedies are not regulated by a competent authority (like the FDA - Federal Drug Administration in the US) and therefore their composition and effects can't be proved scientifically. Another argument of the opponents of herbs, although this hardly applies to hair loss remedies, is that even useful substances, like Vitamin A, when overdosed can be harmful and even cause death.

With all this said, the conclusion one can make is that herbs should be applied wisely in hair loss treatment. Yes, there are really effective herbs, for instance saw palmetto, which competes successfully with drugs like Propecia. Besides saw palmetto, which is the best known herb for hair loss prevention and treatment, there are several other herbs and plants that are also used for this purpose. The most popular of them are nettle root, Dong Quai, rosemary, sage, aloe vera, jojoba, henna, pumpkin seeds, etc.

The second most effective herb after saw palmetto in regard to hair loss prevention and treatment is nettle. Nettle root contains a lot of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, several important minerals and lipids that are useful for the hair. Nettle root extract acts as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase, which is the main cause for DHT formation, thus helping BPH treatment. Nettle root extract also blocks the formation of the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for estrogen production. In a sense, nettle root extract is a natural hormones balancer and this is the reason it is considered a herb that can help in the fight with hair loss.

Dong Quai is also considered an effective herb because it contains phytoestrogens that are known for their ability to stop, or even reverse genetic hair loss. Phytoestrogens block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, thus stopping the genetically predetermined process of hair loss.

Rosemary and sage are two other herbs that are known for their positive effect, when used externally. They are used in the form of an extract, which is made when rosemary and sage, together with nettle, burdock and peach leaf are boiled. The liquid is used for daily washing of the hair.

Aloe vera neither prevents hair loss, nor stimulates hair growth directly but it is one of the most used herbs in hair cosmetics because it balances the pH level on the scalp and cleans the pores. Aloe vera can be combined with other herbs and plants, for instance wheat germ oil and coconut milk for better effect.

Jojoba (especially its oil) is also used in hair cosmetics. Similarly to aloe vera, it does not prevent hair loss. However, it stimulates hair growth and contributes to the general healthy condition of the head. Jojoba is also good against dandruff.

Henna is also a natural hair strengthener that helps in healing the cuticle, thus protecting the hairs from breaking.

The oil extract from pumpkin seeds is also believed to affect the levels of testosterone in the body, especially when the hormonal balance is destroyed due to a disease. However, science has not confirmed this yet.


[nettle root hair loss. best hair strengthener, dong quai hair growth. best herbs for hair]

Natural Ways of Hair Loss Treatment

Natural ways for dealing with hair loss have existed for centuries and even in today's modern, fast-paced world, these eternal remedies continue to play an important role in hair loss prevention and treatment. It can be argued if traditional, natural ways of hair loss treatment are as effective as medication and above all surgery but for not so severe cases of hair loss natural remedies are the clear winner.

Very often you need just to strengthen your hair a little because it has started to fall, rather than have a hair transplant or get some more drugs, which even if considered more effective, undoubtedly have quite a lot of side effects. For instance, if your experience hair loss due to medication or a disease, the last thing that your body needs are more pills.

There are many natural ways of hair loss prevention and treatment and generally they fall into several groups: diet, vitamins and supplements, herbs, massage and aromatherapy. Of course, the boundaries between these are pretty blurred because for instance you use herbs (or herbal extracts) for massage, so this separation is to some extent conditional.

Diet plays a really important role in temporary hair loss prevention and treatment. There are many cases when severe weight loss diets have caused temporary hair loss. On the other hand, if you have MPB-type of hair loss, diet alone can't help but for milder forms of hair loss, eating the right stuff is helpful. Especially good for the hair is the outer skin of plants like cucumbers, potatoes, peppers, sprouts. They contain the silica mineral. Fatty acids are also essential for good hair and they can be found in foods like walnuts, canola oil, fish, and soya. If you have iron deficiency, then lean meats are helpful. Still, it is necessary to stress that by keeping to the right diet you can't expect miracles in terms of hair growth.

Vitamins and supplements are also necessary for your healthy hair. Though it is completely possible that you get enough vitamins and minerals through food and you don't need any additional intake, sometimes it is better to regularly input vitamins and supplements. One of the most important vitamins for healthy hair is B12, which naturally is found in eggs, meat and poultry but if you can't get enough of it by consuming these kinds of food, you should consider pills. Other B vitamins, biotin in particular are also essential for good hair (and nails), so maybe you'd better get a combined vitamins formula.

Herbs are going through a real resurrection in therapy, although many doctors still deny their therapeutic properties. The herb that is regarded with most respect in relation to hair loss treatment is saw palmetto and it can be said that it successfully competes with modern hair loss drugs. Although clinical research over the effects of herbs on hair loss is not abundant, many people see from experience that herbs do work. Some of the most popular herbs and plants for hair loss treatment, like nettle root, Dong Quai, rosemary, aloe vera, jojoba, etc. are described in more detail in this article.

The last group of natural ways of hair loss prevention and treatment is massage (including acupuncture) and aromatherapy. Most often massage is performed not with bare hands but with needles, as is the case with acupuncture, or herbal oils and extracts are rubbed into the skin. In any case, even bare hand massaging of particular spots on your hair and all over your body improves the blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. Usually massage is a short routine and it takes no more than 5 minutes per session. You can go to a saloon for a massage session but you can also get an electric massager and perform it at home.

Aromatherapy also involves natural ingredients like the essential oils of thyme, rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, grapeseed and jojoba. Several drops of the oils are mixed together and are applied on hair loss affected areas. This is performed before going to bed and while you sleep, the oils help your hair to grow.

Treatment of Hair Loss

After you have learned about the causes of hair loss, as well as some of the ways to prevent it, probably the next most important question that tortures your mind is if hair loss is treatable. Yes, hair loss can be treated and there are many ways to it. In some cases, even a complete recovery is possible but this of course depends more on the reason for hair loss than on the way it is treated because simply there is permanent and temporary hair loss and as discussed before, only temporary hair loss can be cured completely.

As already mentioned many times throughout these articles, hair loss treatment starts with diagnosing the cause. If you don't diagnose the cause correctly, then your treatment might by chance produce good results but since you are not dealing with the very reason for your falling hair, it is much more probable that the results will be far from perfect. It is also very important that you diagnose your hair loss as early as possible because if you catch it in an early stage, then treatment, or at least slowing down of the rate at which your hair is falling, will be more effective.

A general rule that applies to hair loss treatment is that the process is taking a long time and it takes a lot of patience. Besides, even with surgery (the heavy artillery of hair loss treatment) it is not always possible to restore one's hair to its previous perfect condition, so you'd better don't get depressed if your hair does not improve rapidly or recover completely.

Depending on the cause and stage of your hair loss, your doctor might prescribe one or more procedures and/or medications. Basically, there are three approaches to hair loss treatment – natural hail loss treatment, which relies on natural remedies that have been used since ancient times, medical treatment, which uses modern pharmaceutical products, and surgery. Very often a combination of two or three of the approaches will be used but there are cases when only one of them is absolutely enough to get your hair back.

Historically the first form of hair loss treatment is the natural one. In ancient times people didn't have today's pharmaceutic industry, not to mention such achievements of surgery as hair transplants but still they made rather successful attempts to treat hair loss. While generally natural hair loss remedies can't be compared in effect to surgery, in many cases of partial hair loss they prove more effective than medicines. Natural hair treatment involves many herbs, supplements, mixtures, etc. that prevent or cure hair loss.

Some of the most famous natural approaches to hair loss include the use of the saw palmetto herb and other plants like rosemary and sage, jojoba oil, aloe vera and henna.

Massage and aromatherapy are also gaining popularity as an alternative to drugs and for some people these two relatively new forms of natural treatment have proven really useful in the long term.

Medical treatment involves two main drugs – Propecia and Rogaine and is used for treating hair loss both in men and women. Propecia and Rogaine are not effective on completely bald areas, so if you see that your hair is thinning and starts to fall, don't wait too long before you start treatment. Also, have in mind that generally it takes up to half an year before you start experiencing the positive effects of medical treatment of hair loss, so in addition to being patient, you'd better start early with the therapy.

One of the best applications of Propecia and Rogaine is in combination with each other, or after a hair transplant has been performed, these two drugs can be used to strengthen the effect. Generally both drugs are safe to use (Propecia is used orally, while Rogaine is applied topically) and they have relatively mild side effects.

No doubt the most effective treatment for permanent hair loss is surgery. This is a very young branch of science and as it can be expected, its long-term effects are studied less than the effects of natural remedies, for example. Surgery is the radical approach to hair loss and for patients who have lost most of their hair, or who have grown very bald a hair transplant is the only solution. Though surgery has many advantages over natural ways of hair loss treatment and medication, it also has some serious disadvantages, as explained in this article, so you need to weigh the pros and cons before you decide to resort to the scalpel.

Hair Loss Prevention

Hair loss is a common trouble for many people all over the world. Although hair loss is not a lethal disease, nor is threatening one's life, its psychological effects are very unpleasant. While there are many advanced ways to treat hair loss, at least to the extent this is possible, a general postulate of modern medicine is that it is much better to prevent a condition or a disease, than to have to treat it. So, what can one do in order to prevent hair loss?

First, it must be clear that very often hair loss is hereditary and it is difficult, or even impossible, to prevent it. If it is in your genes, then you can hardly do much to stop it. Still, even in families, in which the majority of men go bald after a certain age, there are guys and girls who enjoy perfect hair, so if hair loss is common among your relatives, this does not necessarily mean that you will go bald as well. You just have the predisposition to lose your hair but you can always hope that the hair gene will not be very active. However, even if you don't lose your hair, you still carry the gene in you and chances are that it will be transmitted to your children and to your children's children as well. This does not sound very encouraging but unfortunately is a fact.

Still, there are quite a lot of measures one can take to prevent (at least partially) hair loss. One of the exceptions of the hereditary curse are eunuchs. Well, hardly a lot of men will voluntarily get castrated in order to save their hair but it has been known since ancient times that men, who are castrated, don't go bald. The reason is that they don't produce testosterone, which is the main culprit for hair loss. There are modern pills that help decrease the levels of testosterone in one's body but still it is your doctor who should decide whether you can have them or not. Playing with hormones involves many potential risks for one's health, so even if you have the desire to decrease your levels of testosterone to keep you hair from falling, this could lead to more serious conditions that do threaten your health.

Although hereditary reasons and high levels of testosterone are the two main reasons for hair loss, there are also some other factors that cause hair loss and if you know how to avoid them, hair loss can be prevented. For instance, let's take stress and diseases as a hair loss cause. Yes, it is possible to go completely bald because of stress. Fortunately this baldness is very often temporary and when you eliminate the stress factor that caused hair loss, chances are that your hair will be back. Also, if you have ever experienced hair loss due to stress, you will know for the rest of your life that you must avoid getting into stressful situations.

The case with diseases as a hair loss cause is similar to stress, though there are diseases that are certainly more difficult to cure than to eliminate a stress factor. For instance, it is known that many diseases like cancer, diabetes, problems with the prostate, etc. cause hair loss. Well, it is certainly not your choice to get cancer but indirectly you can prevent hair loss, if you regularly have exams to diagnose diseases early. Regular medical exams are good – not only for your hair – but they can even save your life, so if you haven't had an exam in decades, just go and do it!

Another preventable cause of hair loss is diet. This does not mean only slimming diets. Rather, it includes everything you eat and drink. There are many foods and drinks that have a negative effects on your hair and which you should limit or throw out of your diet at all. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar, excessive quantities of salt, etc. are considered bad for your health. One interesting fact in this relation is that in Japan before World War II baldness was less common, then after that. The same applies to many other societies. For instance, Asian and African men, when moving to live in the States, started experiencing hair loss more frequently than in comparison to their counterparts in their native countries. Certainly, there are other reasons in addition to diet (for instance stress) that also contributed to this unfavorable change but this does not make less important the fact that fat food is bad for one's health.

An approach to hair loss prevention that has been used very successfully is massage. Massage and aromatherapy slow down the process of losing hair and in some cases of minor hair loss have even helped the hair to regrow. It is no wonder that massage helps because it stimulates the blood circulation at the scalp and this is turn is a way to stimulate hair growth.

Herbs like rosemary and sage are also often used externally with success to prevent hair loss. Enzymes and vitamins are also allies in the fight with hair loss. As you see, there are many ways to prevent hair loss, or at least to minimize the damage.

Hormones and Hair Loss

It is difficult to say if hormones are the main suspect for hair loss both in men and women, but it is certain that they do contribute a lot and in many cases they are the sole reason for hair loss. Actually, for male pattern baldness (MPB), i.e. - the most common type of hair loss, the main reasons is hormonal imbalance, which pretty often is hereditary as well. For women hormonal imbalance is also a frequent cause for losing hair, especially during the menopause and pregnancy, when considerable hormonal changes take place.

The most interesting fact is that it is the hormonal imbalance, rather than the lack of hormones, that causes hair loss. Or, to be more precise, when the correlation between the key hormones deviates from the normal levels, then hair loss is likely to happen.

One of the hormones that is directly related to hair loss is thyroxin, which is produced by the thyroid gland. Thyroxin controls how your body utilizes food. If there is excessive production of thyroxin, this leads to hair loss via hair shedding. When the thyroid gland is underactive, your hair becomes brittle and ultimately this leads to hair loss. If you experience hair loss and you believe that the reason might be hormonal, a visit to the doctor is required to see how your thyroxin levels deviate from the normal.

Two other hormones - the male and female ones (androgens and estrogens, respectively) affect your hair health quite often. The reason is the same - hormonal imbalance. Nature takes care that women and men have the necessary hormones in the right quantity but sometimes this balance is destroyed. Typical cases are the menopause in women, when ovaries stop functioning and the level of the male hormone testosterone increases significantly. This is accompanied by the drop of the estrogen levels and as a result leads to hair loss because estrogen essentially blocks the negative effects of androgen on your hair.

With men, the hormonal reasons for hair loss are different. Men start going bald when their scalp is too sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a derivative product of testosterone that makes the hair follicles shrink, thus preventing new hair from growing. This sensitivity to DHT is hereditary and if caught in the early stages, there are efficient ways of treatment. DHT also affects women and for them it is also a major reason for losing hair, though the pattern of female baldness is different from the male one, as explained in the articles about hair loss in men and women.

In addition to thyroxin, estrogen and testosterone, there are several other hormones that are related to hair loss. For instance FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) stimulates the production of estrogen and GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone) in turn stimulates the production of FSH. It might sound very complex, but the human body produces about 50 hormones and the relationships between them are not fully studied yet, so it is not always easy to guess right away what in the hormonal imbalance causes hair loss.

Pregnancy and Hair Loss

You have just had your baby and nobody is happier on Earth than you, when you start noticing that your hair begins to fall. Don't worry, this type of hair loss is pretty normal and the best is that it is temporary, so after some months you will restore your normal hair. Many women experience this kind of temporary hair loss and the good news is that it is extremely rare to get bald spots and permanent hair loss due to pregnancy.

Typically hair loss starts a couple of months after the delivery but there are women who suffer from it even while still pregnant. The reason in both cases is a hormonal imbalance. When the imbalance is significant, then you have noticeable hair loss. When you lose small amounts of hair, which happens to almost all pregnant women, then you don't notice it, although you still suffer from hair loss. What is more, even the same women can experience different amounts of hair loss during different pregnancies.

Pregnancy causes a lot of changes in your body and hair loss is only one of the few side effects. Pregnancy causes your hormonal levels to alter dramatically and all this inevitably affects your hair. It is not uncommon that during one trimester your hair falls of, then during the next it gets thick and new hair starts to grow. But if you are aware of all these normal changes in your body, then you will not be worried by what is going on.

In any case, it never hurts to tell your doctor that you have hair loss. He or she might prescribe some tests, just to make sure that everything is OK. Actually your doctor will hardly be able to do much about your hair loss and it is not necessary either, but there is nothing wrong to mention the fact during one of your visits.

Taking medicines to treat hair loss during and after pregnancy is the worst idea that can come to your mind! If you are of the active and controlling type, it might be a bit difficult to accept that there is not much you can do but actually this is the case with hair loss. If you see bald spots on your scalp, depending on their location, a headband can be used to hide them. Also, if your hair is long, cutting it short generally helps, so you can consider this alternative as well.

On the contrary, there are ladies who get thick, fast growing hair during pregnancy. As you might have already guessed, the reason is the same – hormones, or more precisely increased levels of estrogen. Estrogen tells your hair follicles to grow faster. It also speeds up your metabolism and as a result of this your scalp receives more nutrition, which in turn stimulates hair growth. This estrogen frenzy might go on after pregnancy as well but be prepared that the most likely outcome is that after you give birth and your hormones return to their normal levels, you will experience hair loss.

Another hair-related issue that you might experience during pregnancy is texture change. Your hair might change from curly to straight and vice versa. Usually these are temporary changes but sometimes they can be for life.

Changes in texture and hair loss due to pregnancy might require time to heal. In most cases in takes several hair growth cycles to regain your pre-pregnancy looks, which means a year or more (especially if your hair is long). Again, the solution is mainly patience, rather than rushing to the doctor. Intaking a lot of vitamins also helps but you'd better discuss it with your doctor first.

To prevent hair loss during and after pregnancy, you can also start using special hair cosmetics that prevents hair loss but if you have never used such shampoos, it might be a very unpleasant surprise if all of a sudden you get an allergic reaction to it. So, the best you can do, is to wait till your hormones normalize and your hair starts growing normally.

Stress and Diseases as a Hair Loss Cause

Stress and diseases are among the two major causes of hair loss and they can lead both to temporary or permanent hair loss. There are cases when people have gone completely bald in a less than a year due to stress, so the problem can be very serious. Diseases like hormonal imbalances, diabetes and cancer can also lead to temporary or permanent, complete or partial hair loss, so even if you are not concerned about your appearance, the fact that your hair falls off at a faster rate than the usual must ring a bell for you to take the necessary measures.

As with any condition or disease, treatment starts with diagnosing the reason. If it is a medical condition, then your physician will schedule you tests to determine what is wrong with your health. The fact alone that you lose hair is a symptom of many diseases – starting from skin diseases to life-threatening ones like cancer and heart disease, so discovering the precise cause of hair loss might take time. There are cases when numerous tests are necessary till doctors discover your disease and its relation to hair lose.

But if the real cause of hair loss is not discovered, no effective treatment is possible. Even the finest hair cosmetics are powerless to stop hair loss, if your body is ill and the disease makes your hair fall. So be patient till doctors discover what exactly is happening inside you that makes your hair leave you. In many cases when the disease is discovered and the right treatment is started, your hair loss stops. And when the treatment is successful and there are no more traces of the disease, it is likely that your hair will continue to grow undisturbed.

If the reason for hair loss is a medical one, the only thing that is absolutely forbidden is to act on your own. It might look that you can discover the reason on your own instead of wasting your time (and money) with visits to the doctors but certainly this is not so. Rather, be prepared that you might need to see a couple of doctors like internists, dermatologists, oncologists and even psychiatrists before you know for sure what is the exact reason for your hair loss.

You might wonder why you need to see so many doctors, especially a psychiatrist but if the cause for hair loss is not visible right way, thorough examination of your physical and mental health is necessary. As already mentioned, stress is a very frequent cause of hair loss (and mysterious health complaints as well), so if all the tests don't find a medical reason for your health loss, chances are that it might be due to stress.

Admitting that stress is the reason might be difficult sometimes, especially for those macho types that consider themselves tough enough to survive any challenge. Well, stress is more mental than physical pressure and many people bend under its burden, no matter if they are aware of it or not. Though it is not possible to put a separation line between normal life difficulties and stress, there are many situations when the pressure is so intense that breaking is inevitable.

Similar to diseases, hair loss due to stress can't be treated successfully if the reason is not discovered and eliminated. Generally it is long-term stress that leads to hair loss. Also, though it varies for different people, usually stress that is due to things out of one's control but threatening to his or her existence and well-being lead to intense hair loss. Among the chief stress factors are family matters or love problems, especially ones that have been going for a long time. Losing a loved one or breaking up with a long-term girl or boyfriend pretty often cause hair loss. If such is the case with you, consultation with a psychologist or even a psychiatrist can be necessary because since you can't do anything to remove the reason for the stress, you will have to learn how to live with it.

Serious work-related problems are also a potential cause for hair loss (and for many other serious diseases as well). There are jobs with so many responsibilities and pressure that stress is inevitable. The situation gets worse if you are under the burden of impossible responsibilities – i.e. you are helpless to deal with a situation but you are to blame, when things go bad. Losing one's job, threat of disciplinary sanctions or bankruptcy are also very strong stress factors and if temporary hair loss is the only toll you have to pay for getting out of the situation, you can consider yourself very, very lucky.

Diet and Hair Loss

You might have heard it for a million times that dieting can be dangerous to your health, if you don't keep to a balanced diet but probably a serious shock is necessary to make you believe it. A pretty serious shock can be when you start losing hair, instead of fat. If this does not make you believe that dieting is a science and violating basic nutrition rules can be pretty dangerous, then probably only an urgent visit to the emergency ward or a severe eating disorder can convince you that your body needs vitamins and minerals.

Well, this was a bit like looking at the funny side of dieting without rules but unfortunately cases of hair loss due to poor diet are not that exotic. The good news is that dieting can rarely lead to permanent baldness and once you restore your normal eating habits, and most important you resume the supply of vitamins and minerals, your hair will start growing again. If you need more information about how to lose fat fast without damaging your health, check this place. LINK TO THE LOSE FAT FAST SITE.

Compared to the other causes of hair loss, dieting is not such a frequent reason as are stress, hormones and hereditary factors but while these three factors have been discussed widely, dieting is more or less been kept secret about and as a result of this few people are aware that weight loss can cause hair loss as well.

The most frequent reason why a diet causes hair loss is lack of iron, though there are other nutritional deficiencies as well that also lead to hair thinning and hair loss. Changes in the level of zinc, protein, magnesium, fatty acids and vitamins D, B and A can also cause hair shedding beyond the normal. With all that said, you have probably guessed that it can be any unbalanced diet that causes hair loss.

Hair loss due to dieting affects men and women in the same way but since it is mostly ladies who diet to lose weight and who generally pay more attention to their appearance than men, often men don't even notice that their hair is thickening because of a diet (or even if they notice, they contribute it to a different factor or just take hair loss as normal for guys over 25-30 years of age).

With all that said, one shouldn't jump to the conclusion that all diets should be forbidden, since they are so dangerous. No, a wise diet, which includes balanced nutrition is not so likely to lead to hair loss like a diet that cuts off food considerably and aims at losing as many pounds as possible as soon as possible. It is rapid weight loss, not weight loss in general, that causes hair loss. So if you keep to a diet that provides you with balanced nutrition, you will hardly see your hair falling.

Diets low in proteins and iron (for instance vegetarian diets and very-low-fat diets), or high-protein diets like the Atkins diet that do not encourage a lot of fruit and vegetables are both harmful for your hair. Yes, these diets might be effective for weight loss but generally when people lose 25 or more pounds in a couple of months, the reason for this is malnutrition, which in turn causes hair loss.

Dietologists recommend to choose a not-so-fast-slimming diet because generally they are the balanced ones. Losing one or two pounds a week (and keeping the trend steady over time) is a safe bet but still it does not hurt to take nutritional supplements, for instance vitamins and minerals. In many cases multivitamins are the best choice because they provide a combination of all valuable substances your body needs but if you know that you have a particular deficiency, for instance you lack iron, then you might consider special iron-enriched capsules.

Hair Loss in Teenagers and Kids

Usually it is adults who suffer from hair loss but sometimes kids and teens also experience it. Losing hair at such a young age is not normal and if you or your kid sees thick batches of hair leaving his or her head, then a consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

Kids and teens are humans, so it is not surprising that the causes for hair loss are not different from the causes in adults. Even stress and hormonal imbalances, which are one of the main reasons for hair loss in adults, are also a factor for hair loss in kids and teens. However, there is one more reason, especially with young kids - pulling their hair on deliberately.

An adult can't understand why children are willing to inflict such a damage (and pain) on themselves but actually many kids do it at some time of their life. Pulling one's hair on deliberately can be just for amusement but it can also be a stress reliever. Very often children do it subconsciously, so punishing them for pulling their hair is hardly the way to go. Luckily, when kids grow, they usually stop doing it. Besides, hair loss due to intentional pulling is temporary and it does not cause permanent damage to one's hair, so you shouldn't worry too much about it.

Sometimes it is difficult to notice that a kid suffers from hair loss because especially with young kids thin hair (thinning of hair is one of the first symptoms of hair loss in adults) is not so unlikely. But if you notice that your kid or teenager loses more hair than it is normal, do not take it easy but take him or her to be examined because hair loss can be a symptom of another, more serious disease, like diabetes or cancer.

A worrying trend worldwide is the growing number of kids and teens who suffer from temporary or permanent hair loss due to chemotherapy. Unfortunately, this might be an inevitable price to pay for staying alive, so if this is the case with your kid or teenager, you will have to accept it but still you may want to ask the doctors about what kind of measures are possible in order to make the ordeal more bearable.

There is no doubt that hair loss is unpleasant at any age but for kids and teens this can be a really shocking experience. While most adults are tactful enough not to make stupid jokes about somebody else's baldness, kids sometimes can be very cruel and joke and ask questions about the missing hair of their friends and classmates.

So, with kids and teens hair loss can be more traumatic psychologically, especially with teenage girls. With all the advertisements of magic shampoos that make your head gorgeous and the shiny hairs of top models, young girls are having hard times to put up with the fact that having such hair is not achievable for them at the moment. With boys it is more or less easier, especially having in mind many popular singers and actors, who shave their heads, so lacking hair can even be regarded as a sign of masculinity. With very small children chances are that there won't be any psychological problems because pre-school children, or even kids in primary school don't care about their appearance, so the fact that part or all of their hair is missing will hardly make any difference.

Similar to adults, treatment of hair loss starts with diagnosing the reason, if it is not known already. If the reason is a disease, after the disease is cured, chances are that hair loss will be forgotten. The same applies to hormones and stress - remove the reason and the hair loss problem will hopefully fade away.

One of the advantages of being a kid, as far as hair loss is concerned, is that you (or better somebody else) can shave your head from time to time and you will not be embarrassed by it. Shaving the entire scull is very stimulating for hair growth and if you do it two or three times a year, you substantially increase your chances to have thick hair, when you grow up. However, if you find shaving one's head too extreme, cutting your hair short regularly is also an option to consider.

[hair loss in teenagers, hair loss in teens, hair loss teens, hair loss teen, reasons for hair loss at a young age, teenage hair loss, hair loss in teenage girls]

Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women is relatively less frequent than in men but still there are many women, who are affected by temporary or permanent hair loss. Very often women suffer from hair thinning, rather than hair loss. Typically women do not get entirely bald, like men but their hair gets thinner and if it is absent completely, the most common patter is in patches all over the head, instead of over a continuous area, like in men.

It is difficult to say whether a woman or a man suffers more from hair loss but it is certain that generally ladies pay more attention to their hair than men. However, it seems that society is more accepting to bald men than to bald women. This is probably due to the fact that the conservative approach to genders is that women should be beautiful, while men should be powerful. Well, science is advancing rapidly, so even if you do experience hair loss, don't panic - you will hardly have to go bald-headed on the street!

Surprisingly (or maybe quite logically), even women who care a lot about their hair, suffer from hair loss. Well, it depends on what you mean by hair care because if your understanding of hair care is all the activities that will make your hair look more beautiful, rather than healthy, then you are actually killing your hair, instead of caring for it. As already mentioned in this article, hair care is not applying on your head every piece of hair cosmetics you find in the drugstore or in the beauty shop. There are many hair care activities, like dyes and frequently washing your hair that actually help in the long run to make it thinner.

While in many cases the damage you inflict on your hair is temporary only and can be reversed by the right measures, there are some cases when hair loss is permanent. Luckily, the permanent cases of hair loss are not that many, so you can rest assured that if you notice on time that your hair is thickening or whole patches of it are missing and consult a dermatologist, in some time you will have your hair back on your head.

As mentioned many times in these series of articles, hair loss treatment starts with identifying what causes it. As with men, the most frequent, bur certainly not the only, reason for hair loss is hormonal imbalances and the periods in life when these imbalances are triggered are most often during pregnancy and menopause.

Stress is also a common reason. There is data that ladies are more subject to stress than men or to be more precise, ladies suffer more from health implications due to stress. If you are on a diet, which seems to be one of the ladies' lifelong obsessions, this could also be a reason for thinning hair and for hair shedding.

Like in men, hair loss is hereditary, so if your female relatives have had hair loss, it is quite probable that you will not be an exception. Though it is not a rule, but history of gynecological disorders and diseases in the family is also linked to hair loss. However, it is a bit stretching the truth to say, for instance, that hair loss leads to irregular periods, infertility, cystic acne and the like. Most often, if you have hair loss, the reason for this is that you have some kind of disease, not necessarily a gynecologic one, that as a result causes your hair to fall faster than normally.

Ladies are very conscious about their appearance, so it is unlikely that hair loss will go unnoticed. However, due to the peculiarities of the way women lose hair - i.e. all over the head, rather from a continuous area, it might take time to notice it. Generally, it is necessary to lose about 40-50% of one's hair in a given area, in order to notice its absence. Quite often it is the hairstylist, who notices missing hair. Though the hairstylist is hardly the person to recommend you treatment, especially if your hair loss is due to a serious reason (i.e. a disease), he or she can also give you precious advice on how to proceed.

Hair Loss in Men

For the majority of men hair loss is not something distant but an unpleasant everyday chore. Fortunately, attitudes to losing hair and baldness change, as well as the techniques to treat it. Nevertheless, hair loss in men is so frequent that one can't pretend that the problem does not exist. At the same time, there are guys who never go bald, even when they are over 70. So, it is not age only that makes one's hair fall off.

Hair loss in men is due to many reasons and to some extend it can be said that it is a natural process - not so much of aging but rather of growing up. Hair loss in men can start as early as the late twenties and can continue for the rest of your life. The most common type of hair loss in men is “androgenetic alopecia”, which means hair loss due to high levels of male sex hormones and hereditary tendency to lose hair. Though androgenetic alopecia is not the only type of hair loss in men, it is the most common and because of this it is commonly called “male-pattern baldness”.

The main reason for male-pattern baldness if the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). If your hair follicles are sensitive to it, then you can predict that you will have hair loss. The sensitivity to this hormone differs in the front, top and crown of the scalp, the back and the sides and this is why you lose hair from particular areas only, rather than from all over the head. Usually male-pattern baldness starts first with thinning of the hair and then shedding follows.

Typically male-pattern baldness follows a pre-defined hairline. One of the widely-recognized classifications is the Norwood classification and it defines two major patters and several less common types of hair loss. In the beginning hair loss starts in the front part of the head and forms a temporal recession. Later hair loss starts at the crown but still there is a considerable amount of hair between the crown and the front. Then the frontal hair loss continues to the crown and in some years or decades, the frontal line and the baldness of the crown (which is also advancing) merge and as a result there is a wide bald band at the top of the hair. The hair around the ears and in the back is last and usually it takes decades till it is lost as well.

Generally male-pattern baldness happens according to the above scenario, though often different factors (or treatment) interfere. For instance, one of the most important patterns of male hair loss is the hereditary factor. In this case “hereditary” does not mean inherited only from the father. Rather, it is pretty common that male hair loss follows a pattern that is inherited from the mother's father and other male relatives. Though women don't suffer from male-pattern hair loss so often, they transmit it genetically to their male children.

Though the male-pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss in men, it is not the only one. There are other types of hair loss - for instance temporary hair loss due to stress, diseases, bad hair products, forgetting to comb for ages, etc. The good news about this types of hair loss is that they are treatable and preventable. In many cases when the cause is discovered and eliminated (i.e. you are no more subject to stress), even special treatment is not necessary because your hair might start growing again without you taking any special measures.

As far as treatment of hair loss is concerned, the general rule that you need to discover the cause first applies as well. Medicine is advancing rapidly and it is possible to slow down considerably the process of losing hair. There are also many other solutions available, so if you notice that your hair is going away, don't feel desperate and helpless but see a doctor and start treatment.

Tips and Tricks for Hair Growth

Taking care of one's hair is not only a privilege for women. Most men are not indifferent to how they look and having healthy hair is certainly important for either gender. Nowadays it is pretty common to see guys with long hair and if you suffer from hair loss, it is inevitable to ask how can somebody have such beautiful, long hair. Well, beautiful hair is partially due to genes but equally important is how you care for it. Of course, this does not mean that every guy and girl can have long, shiny and thick hair but it is certain that there are some tips and tricks that generally help people in their battle to stimulate hair growth.

First, it is necessary to clarify what is the normal hair growth rate. Generally half an inch a month is normal, though even a third of an inch is also pretty common. Hair growth depends on many factors, like what you eat, the season of the year, etc. so there are limits beyond which you can't go. For instance, you can't expect that your hair will grow 2 inches in a month only because you wash it everyday. On the contrary, when you wash it everyday, chances are that you will exhaust it pretty soon. It is true that if you wash your hair frequently, it will grow faster but never forget that frequent washes also lead to hair loss.

Besides washing your hair frequently, cutting it often also stimulates its growth. There is no optimal recommendation that is valid for everybody but washing your hair once a week and cutting it once in 6-8 weeks is generally the best combination to stimulate hair growth without stimulating hair loss. Washing your hair (this of course means using a shampoo or a soap) stimulates its growth but you can achieve similar results even if you only wet it from time to time – i.e. just dampen it a little without using any soap or shampoo. Wetting your hair a couple of times a day, which is probably what you subconsciously do in the heat of the summer, is a fine way to growth. You can use rosemary sprays instead of water for wetting.

Cutting your hair regularly is also useful. As hair grows long, it tends to get damaged at the ends, so if your stylist removes the damaged ends, this will also help you grow longer hair.

A really powerful way to encourage the growth of your hair is by massaging it gently and by using special masks, balms, pastes, lotions, etc. Even good old combing a couple of times a day is a great way to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which in turn stimulates hair growth. There are even special formulas for hair regrowth (i.e. when you have lost your hair, how to make it regrow again), though even most of the conventional remedies for hair care and for hair loss prevention also work. The assortment of recipes, remedies, masks, etc. for stimulating hair growth is really great and one thing that you can do is to check about some national recipes.

No, don't laugh, hair is the same all over the world but this does not apply to remedies and recipes. Most nations have their own ancient recipes for hair growth and these recipes are generally not subject to internationalization because many of the ingredients are to be found in particular geographic areas only. Of course, very often there are decent substitutes to those rare ingredients but it is not the same.

However, very often you can order online a specific remedy and get it delivered to your door, so actually you might be able to enjoy the benefits of remedies from distant lands. But even if you decide not to hook to exotic remedies, there are many really global ingredients that also do a perfect job for massaging you hair with, for washing it (or spraying it), etc.

For instance, rubbing olive oil into the scalp helps to reduce hair loss. Uncooked egg yolks, applied for an hour on the scalp, stimulate hair growth. Castor oil on the roots (but not the hair itself) is also a great way to stimulate hair growth. While some of these substances require that you later wash your hair, there are even more easier ones (for instance rosemary and aloe), that you just rub in and they stay there.

Causes of Hair Loss

If you watch too much television and believe the advertisements you see, you are probably convinced that hair loss is due to not using the right cosmetics (“right” being the most aggressively advertised ones, of course). Sure, hair cosmetics plays an important part in hair care but to blame everything on cheap shampoos, especially when there are more expensive ones with a more devastating effect on your hair, is too much. Yes, there are cases when hair loss is due partially or entirely to bad cosmetics and poor hair care but these cases are rare, compared to the vast majority of hair loss cases, which are due to other reasons.

First, it is necessary to clarify that there is temporary hair loss and permanent hair loss. Second, many cases of hair loss are due to a combination of reasons, rather than only one of them. This is very important to know because if you have not identified correctly the cause of hair loss, its treatment might not be that effective.

Among the most often quoted reasons of hair loss are stress, illnesses and medical conditions, hereditary factors, chemotherapy and medication as a whole, hormonal problems, pregnancy, infections, improper hair care. All these causes will be examined in detail in this and the subsequent articles because as it turns out, in many cases hair loss can be prevented or at least the regions it affects can be minimized in size and number.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the most frequent causes of hair loss, especially when it is combined with a disease. Hormonal imbalance occurs when the hormone-producing glands are overactive or underactive and as a result male and female hormones (androgens and estrogens) are not balanced. When the hormonal balance is restored, most likely hair loss will stop and new hair will start to grow.

A frequent case of hormonal hair loss is during and above all after pregnancy. Although most women suffer from hair loss a couple of months after they had given birth, occasionally there are cases of hormonal hair loss during pregnancy. Basically when the hormonal balance is restored to its normal, pre-pregnancy level, hair loss stops but if it doesn't then a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Another very common reason for hair loss is stress. People react to stress in a different way and even if the same individuals were subject to the same amount of stress (as if it were possible), only few of them would lose their hair as a result of the psychological pressure. Very often hair loss due to stress is temporary and after the stress factors are not present anymore, your hair will start to grow again.

The same applies to illnesses and medication as a cause of stress but here the probability is higher. Unfortunately, there are illnesses, which lead to permanent hair loss and even after you recover, your hair will not start growing again and you will have to resort to special treatment and maybe even surgery. But again, this is up to the individual and not all people who suffer from a given disease develop hair loss. One of the most frequent illnesses that leads to hair loss is cancer and the worst is that the chemotherapy that is part of its treatment, causes even more hair loss.

Infections and skin diseases are also a common reason for hair loss. Depending on the type of infection, it might take some time and medication to cure the infection. Fungal infections are common mainly in children and the good news is that they are easily treated with antifungal medicines. Different bacteria can also cause hair loss and it is your dermatologist, who will tell you how to proceed.

Last but not least, comes improper hair care. Here the list of activities is really long and impressive. Improper hair care includes washing your hair frequently (for example, every other day), not combing it regularly (or at all), using shampoos, razors and cosmetic that cause allergic reactions and make your hair fall off in larger quantities than the normal. Some hair styles, like pigtails or cornrows strain your hair quite a lot - in a way, they just pull it from your head. This pulling causes scarring to your scalp and when you see scars, be prepared that you will need serious efforts to regain your hair back. Various hair oils and above all dyes, can cause inflammation, which in turn leads to hair loss.

The list of reasons is by no means exhaustive but in any case it gave you the idea that hair loss is a complex phenomenon, which can be the result of many unfavorable factors and which most often than not requires treatment from a qualified person.

Symptoms of Hair Loss - signs of hair loss

Alopecia (this is the medical term of hair loss) is caused by many reasons, as already explained in this article and as it can be expected, its symptoms are also many and of course, not all of them are present in all cases. Though there is no direct relationship between the cause and the symptoms of hair loss, there are some signs that are more typical for one cause than for another. Also, there are gender-specific symptoms because hair loss in men and women follows a slightly different scenario.

But before we go on with the symptoms of hair loss, it is necessary to clarify what is normal and what is not. First, hair loss means losing excessive amounts of hair, so when you see a hair or two falling from your head, this is hardly a reason for panicking. It is pretty normal if you see hair falling, when you comb your hair or when you wash it. Actually, it is natural to lose about 100 hairs a day. If you didn't lose your old hair, there would be no way for the new hair to grow. So, when you comb your hair and see a small bunch of hairs, this is normal.

However, if you see thick bunches of hair on your comb and this happens all the time, then you might have a reason to worry. Still, sometimes even a handful of hairs is normal, if your hair is in the process of active regeneration. But if the handful of hairs at each combing does not disappear after a week or so, this is one of the first symptoms of hair loss.

You may want to try to pull a small bunch of your hair to see if it requires an effort to pull it. Normally, if you pull your hair slightly, it will not fall but if it falls easily when you pull it gently, then you might also consider a visit to the dermatologist.

Another symptom that you might be losing hair is if you notice that your hair is becoming thinner. This holds true especially for women, while the typical male hair loss pattern is more of the shedding type. Gradually thinning translates into bald spots on your head and your hair starts falling in patches. The tempo of losing hair depends on many factors - for instance are you in the menopause or not, have you recently given birth, do you have any hormonal imbalances, have you taken any medicines or hair care products that cause this, etc. Chances are that your hair loss is temporary and can be reversed by proper treatment.

The next, quite visible symptom, of hair loss is when you see bald spaces on your head. The shape of these bald spaces is the main difference between men and women. Men tend to lose hair on the front hairline and forehead and on top of the head, while women generally lose hair at the crown and in small patches all over their head. In men the “horseshoe pattern” is often visible and eventually only hair around the ears, the sides and the back of the head remains. This kind of hair loss is due to hormonal reasons and is hereditary, so if your father and grandfathers had had it, it is no surprise that you have it as well.

Sometimes hair loss does not affect only the head but the hairs all over the body. But rest assured - this is an extremely rare disease! Well, you might find it unfair that you lose hair on your head but the hairs all over your body are still staying intact but actually there is not much you can do about it.

Why Short Hair Cuts Are Sexy!

Now, First of all, What is Hair Made of?
Hair is composed primarily of proteins (88%). These proteins are of a hard fibrous type known as keratin. Keratin protein is comprised of what we call "polypeptide chains.” The word, polypeptide, comes from the Greek word "poly" meaning many and "peptos" meaning digested or broken down. In essence, if we break down protein, we have individual amino acids.

Many amino acids joined together form a "polypeptide chain". Two amino acids are joined together by a "peptide bond", and the correct number of amino acids placed in their correct order will form a specific protein; i.e. keratin, insulin, collagen and so on.

Short Hair Cuts! Sexy Styles!
Short hair cuts reflect self-assurance, readiness to take new challenges! That is a definite turn on. Nobody wants to be the demure, boring and conservative type of gal! We want to be viewed as an individual who rises to the challenges of today’s society! And a sexy short cut says it all! Short hair shows you are cool, confident, in control, and too busy to spend hours fussing with your hair, because… there is so many more important things in life which we should be spending our time on!

Bobs are always a short hair style always in high hair fashion and can be custom cut and colored to enhance any type, texture or length of hair.

The right bob style, like a beveled bob, can also work with any face shape. Adjustments can be made to the fringe or bang area, length and layers to play up some features and minimize others.

Keeping Hair Moisturized
Hair normally has a moisture content of approximately 10%. If your hair’s moisture content drops below this level the key is to increase the hair’s ability of attract and retain moisture. This is accomplished by using moisturizers. Good one have "humectants" that not only replace lost moisture but actually attract moisture and retain it in the cortex of the hair. Essential fatty aids (EFA’s) are great moisturizers.

Regardless if you are growing out your layers between hair cuts or growing them out to one length on a more permanent basis, create texture in your tresses to instantly blend the layers into the rest of your style.

So, what are you waiting for? We urge you to find out more about the various sexy short hair styles and get one today! But before you go running off for your short crops, do find out more about what TYPE of short hair styles fits your fact features! Come and find out more! Find the style that suits your perfectly!

Winning Ways Of Waxing For Hair Removal

Waxing is a popular hair removal process for both males and females these days. It's a method that can be done at your convenience in your home or by a professional at select salons and spas.

Depending on your particular skin, hair type and rate of hair growth, waxing has been known to provide smooth results as long as 3-8 weeks and is suggested as the longest lasting temporary hair removal method.

While there are people who say this method of hair removal is not as painful as it sounds, basically, the waxing solution wraps around the hair and then is pulled. Pulling the hair and its roots out.

If you're concerned about pain, you can purchase a pain reducing gel or anesthetic numbing spray from your pharmacist, which needs to be applied thirty to sixty minutes before waxing.

And if you have problems with acne, avoid any type of waxing until your skin is clear.

If you're not totally committed to following through the waxing process, no matter how much it hurts, you may just want to go to a salon and let a professional do it for you. But be aware that waxing at a salon can get pretty pricey, especially if you want to remove hair from large areas. Just to give you an idea, usually it's about twenty five dollars for bikini line hair removal.

Today, there are several kinds of waxing hair removal products available - With warm waxing being the most often used.

Cold wax comes in a paste or gel that isn't heated before applying it to the skin. Getting the wax from the container and controlling the thickness to the skin is what makes most cold waxes so messy. It's not quite as effective and less preferred than a warm wax. But if you have sensitive skin, a cold wax causes less skin irritations.

If you choose to use a waxing hair removal product at home, read all instructions that come with your kit carefully.

Always test a small area of skin for sensitivity or an allergic reaction.

Your hair needs to be a little bit long, about an 1/8", for the best results with this type of hair removal product. So if your hairs are longer, trim them down. If shorter, allow them to grow in a bit.

With this method of hair removal, you don't want to bathe beforehand. Hair absorbs moisture which makes it soft and harder for the wax to adhere to. Dry hair is tough and/so easier to pull off. Lightly powder your skin to absorb moisture and natural oils. This will keep hairs easier to pull, which will limit inflammation.

Some people exfoliate the area before waxing to remove dead skin cells that can contribute to ingrown hairs.

Do not overheat the wax. You don't want to burn your skin. Lower the temperature of the wax for facial hair and only use it on one small area at a time.

The consistency of the wax should be soft, not runny.

Hair removal by waxing can break the hair, which is a main cause of ingrown hairs.

To avoid ingrown hairs, apply a thin layer of wax in the direction the hair grows. If you're using a strip over the wax, rub it in the same direction. Leave about one third of the strip free so you can get a good grip for pulling it off fast.

Pull your skin taut and then pull the strip back, not up or out, in one smooth movement. Don't be timid - Slight pulls will only leave patchy areas as well as cause more pain.

After waxing, remove any excess wax with a warm moist towel, being careful not to touch the skin with your hands, which might cause an infection.

When skin is freshly waxed, limit creating ingrown hairs and other skin irritations by not wearing tight clothing around the area.

Another way to limit severe skin problems after using a waxing hair removal product is to exfoliate the skin one to two days later. This will help prevent dead skin cells from building up.

Be careful not to expose the newly waxed area to the sun for at least forty eight hours or the skin may darken, but not in a good way. And always use a good sun blocker thereafter.

Be aware - Using a waxing hair removal product usually leaves a redness, so if you're doing it for a special occasion, do it a couple of days beforehand.

Now, if you decide waxing may not be for you, there are alternatives. Do some research and you'll find other hair removal products that are not quite as, uh, "intense".