Among the many natural choices for hair loss treatment one of the most prominent is the herb called saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata, Serenoa repens or Sabal serulata). It is a natural herbal remedy and unlike modern drugs, it has no side effects. Saw palmetto can be used both internally and externally and still it does no damage at all. Actually, before the advent of the contemporary pharmaceutical industry, native Americans used it successfully for healing not only hair loss but many other skin diseases as well. It is not surprising, however, that many doctors and pharmacists deny its incredible effect but the centuries of success are certainly not a negligible factor. It is true, though, that saw palmetto is not a miracle and you can't expect recovery when you are very bald, so in that aspect hair transplants are unbeatable.
Saw palmetto is a small palm with big leaves and it grows in the Southeastern United States. Ironically, nowadays saw palmetto is more popular in Europe than in the USA and in Germany it is the most popular prostate herb. Saw palmetto's fruits are deep red blackberries that can be used as staple food as well. Basically saw palmetto is used as a cure for prostate conditions but since it is also a DHT blocker, this makes it good for dealing with hair loss as well.
Since only men have a prostate, one might make the wrong conclusion that this herb is for men only but actually women also benefit from it. In addition to hair loss, saw palmetto is used for relieving menstrual pain, infertility, ovarian pain and inflammation. The only period of a woman's life when saw palmetto is not recommendable because its effects are not studied yet, is during pregnancy and especially lactation.
Similar to Propecia, saw palmetto is a DHT blocker. It is not certain if it is a weak DHT blocker, as some doctors suggest but when taken both orally and applied topically, saw palmetto does produce better results than Propecia. Unlike Propecia, saw palmetto can be applied topically to those areas that need it most, thus leading to very targeted treatment.
Saw palmetto can be obtained as an oil extract or as an ointment. In any case, when you apply it topically to the affected area, after some time it gets absorbed by the skin. After you apply saw palmetto to your scalp, you need to leave it for at least half an hour (you can leave it for as long as you like – the longer the better) to get absorbed by your skin.
The recommendable dosage is at least 160mg daily or ½ to 1 teaspoon, if you are using the oil extract. If you don't exceed 320mg a day, you can consider the dosage safe but in any case it is much better if you consult a doctor or a pharmacist before you start using saw palmetto. Also, you need to know in advance, that saw palmetto is not an overnight miracle. It takes persistence and a couple of years until you start reaping its benefits.
Hair loss treatment is safely provided by low cost plantation techniques. Hair Transplant Ludhiana has new advancements in regrowing hair.
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